Welcome to New Forest Homesearch

As part of its commitment to delivering a range of new affordable housing including low cost home ownership, New Forest District Council will be developing new homes for shared ownership. If you would like to own your home but are unable to afford to buy on the open market shared ownership might be an option for you.
With shared ownership you buy a share in your home of between 25% & 75% depending on what you can afford. You then pay a capped rent to the Council on the remaining share. Buying a share means that you only need a deposit and mortgage for the share you are buying. Shared owners can then buy more shares in their home when they chose, in most cases being able to eventually purchase 100% of their home.
New Forest District Council will shortly be introducing its first shared ownership homes for sale. These will be advertised on our website and with the Help to Buy Agent for the South.
If you are interested in finding out more about shared ownership further information can be found on our website www.newforest.gov.uk/article/1134/Help-to-Buy-Shared-Ownership and Help to Buy for the South www.helptobuyagent3.org.uk
If you are interested in applying for a New Forest District Council shared ownership home when they become available it is important that you first register your interest with HelptoBuy. This can be done online at www.helptobuyagent3.org.uk
For more information please go the Shared Ownership webpage or contact the team at:
Email: sharedownership@nfdc.gov.uk
Telephone: 023 8028 5850
IMPROVED WAY OF GETTING PROOFS TO US - applicants are now able to upload documentary proof evidence to their online Homesearch account as soon as they have submitted their application. WE STRONGLY ADVISE THAT THIS WAY IS USED TO SEND IN PROOFS AS THEY WILL BE UPLOADED STRAIGHT TO THE APPLICANTS APPLICATION. TO DO THIS click on login on this page and login using the email address and password used when creating the application. Once logged in, click on 'add supporting documents to your application' button and follow the instructions. The documents will go straight onto the applicants file and send the assessor an email to inform them.
New Forest District Council adopted its new Allocations Policy as of 20th January 2020.
Our allocation policy determines who qualifies to join the housing register and what priority is awarded to an applicant should they qualify. This new policy will have a greater emphasis on recognising housing need rather than creating a traditional waiting list for council properties.
If you wish to apply to join the Homesearch Housing Register you need to complete the online Homesearch application form, click here https://www.newforesthomesearch.uk/OnlineForm/ . We no longer accept paper forms.
To log in to your Homesearch account click on the 'sign in' at the top right of this page. All applicants must login to their account to both view and bid on available properties applicable to their needs. Applicants will only see properties they qualify for. All applicants MUST complete a new online application form every time their circumstances change (e.g household members, address, income, convictions) even if they claim Housing Benefits and have notified any other Council departments.
Should an applicant be successful in being nominated to a Council property an additional verification process will be carried out and applicants will be expected to provide a list of updated proof documents within a timely manner. Vacancies are often ready at very short notice and applicants are expected to accept the tenancy with this notice given.
At the point of allocation of a property our Tenancy Strategy details our approach to the type tenancy offered to applicants. New tenants will be offered an Introductory Tenancy of 1 year. If successful this tenancy will convert to a fixed-term tenancy, usually for five years. Our homes are no longer offered with lifetime tenancies. This helps us make best use of our housing by tackling under-occupation and encouraging tenants to explore other housing options during their time in one of our homes. Only elderly and vulnerable people will be awarded lifetime security of tenure.
For other frequently asked questions about the Homesearch Housing Register and a copy of the Allocation Policy please go to our webpage www.newforesthomesearch.uk.
If you are in urgent housing need, please call the Homelessness Team on 02380 285234 option 3 who will go through your housing options with you.